
Studies prove the health risk

If the radioactive gas radon accumulates in houses, it poses a significant health risk. After tobacco smoke, radon is the most common cause of lung cancer. The decisive factors for the risk are the radon concentration in the room air and the duration of the contamination. The German Radon Study (2) and the pooled analysis of 13 case control studies (3) carried out in Europe are described on the website (1) of the Lung Information Service of the Helmholtz Center in Munich

What do the studies say specifically?


German radon study

  • Lung cancer risk increases by 10% per 100 becquerels (Bq) per cubic meter of air, which corresponds to a doubling at a radon concentration of 1,000 Bq / m³
  • Risk in the highest radon category (140–3,000 Bq / m³) increased by 40 percent compared to the reference category (0–50 Bq / m³)
  • Estimation is statistically significant

Radon studies in Europe

  • Estimated increase in relative risk per 100 Bq / m³ increases to 16 percent
  • Figures show that exposure to radon in homes poses an increased risk of lung cancer to the general population

Sources: (1) https://www.lungeninformationsdienst.de/praevention/schutz-vor-radon/ Effects/index.html (accessed on July 20, 2019) (2) Wichmann HE et al: Increased lung cancer risk due to residential radon in a pooled an extended analysis of studies inGermany. Health Phys. 2005 Jan; 88 (1): 71-9 (3) Darby S. et al: Radon in homes and risk of lung cancer: collaborative analysis of individual data from 13 European casecontrol studies. BMJ, doi: 10.1136 / bmj.38308.477650.63 (published Dec. 21, 2004)
